Sunday, October 25, 2009

jerusalem artichokes

the artichokes arrived yesterday and the vendor suggested no delay in planting, so i went to campus today and after i spent a couple of hours helping with setting up the indiana university northwest anthropology club book sale that STARTS TOMORROW ( it's all for a good cause) i went to the garden and planted them...the starchy juice from the bulbs got all over my hands when i cut them before is a fabulous adhesive...the soil did not want to come off my hands when i went to wash them...sticky reading further about these tubers i 've found that when freshly harvested that are rich in inulin...whuch means thet have little impact on blood sugar and so are beneficial to diabetics...or at least won't do them any harm...this is freshly harvested ones only...after they're stored for a time the inulin is lost and the artichokes become a more traditional starch...inulin is also beneficial to kidney function...the garden may be taking a detour into folk least there was no rain today...a first for this gardener in this garden

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