Friday, January 8, 2010

it's definitely winter

winter has arrived and so much so in "his sternest shape" that even de quincey must approve...i was on campus today to pick up my books for the spring (ha!) semester...inopportune the bureaucracy to change a 200 level course to a 400 level ( the people at the registrar's office were kind and much so that i hesitate to tar them with the epithet "bureaucrats" i'll just call them workers instead since that has so much more currency where i come from...whatever they are, they were helpful and cheerful, so thanks!)...and pay a visit to steve mcshane in the calumet regional archives ( third floor of the library...tucked away in the should stop by sometime...neat place and steve is cool) so i stopped by the garden to see what was what and take a few pictures....clearly nothing much is shaking...except maybe the cold working to break the dormancy of the gamagrass seeds...i'm just reading and writing and mulling over my teosinte problem...i did order the potatoes which will be here sometime in late march or early april and the asparagus crowns are next ...then all i have to do is procure earthworms, lady bugs and bird tape...then the real fun starts

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