Friday, May 25, 2012

iu northwest community garden and my back yard

i went out to campus this morning and planted some oaxacan green dent and hopi blue maize in the garden and then i strolled over to the community garden behind lindenwood hall and had a fine time chatting with dr. szarleta and her group of gardeners as we worked on planting their new season...they have a slew of raised beds back there and planted, among other things, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and a cherry tree named george...when i got home i found that the garlic i had ordered had arrived ( just as ups said it would ) so i went out and worked in a garden...i found a spot that would get full sun most of the day..stripped off the sod...turned in some compost and ( hopefully ) started half a dozen more plants out there...i will be scouting spots and trimming limbs tomorrow to get the rest in the ground..the fourth photo is of turnips (in front) snow peas (with poles) and the potato patch in the rear...the bottom photo is the obligatory teosinte photo...northern tepehuan this time (in its anti-critter cage) growing like the "wild and weedy ancestor" it is...things just keep happening and the season just gets to be more enjoyable..still geeked...still having fun

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