Sunday, July 29, 2012


up and out the door early to campus to do some maintenance work on the pgp ( had a quick look at the community garden as well...but just a look )both hopi blue maize plants are flowering and the larger of the two is fully open ( top photo ) but there's more going on...the lager of the three tillers coming off the base of the large plant is producing a flower as well ( second photo ) which would indicate to me that there will be more ears in the works...and while we're talking ears a second one has tasseled on the main stalk of the larger plant ( third photo ) i am geeked entirely about this and i don't care who knows it...most engineered corn produces one ear...sometimes two but rarely ( at least in the dense yellow # 2 that i've been observing in the last few years )...this multiplicity of ears is reminiscent of the northern tepehuan's ear production last year ( i believe that plant in my back yard produced forty-four ears...i don't expect that much from the maize ) and is just another line of evidence about maize only existing brussel's sprouts are on campus and they seem to be doing well there...i have heard about a dearth of sprout germination form a number of quarters this season so i am hopeful that they will be productive...we'll see what happens as autumn approaches...i will be going out in my yard later to bring in the last bed of winter wheat and begin preparing it to sow the ramp seeds when they arrive...those two beds will become committed to the inland sea oats ( if they winter over here ) and the wild leeks...more movement away from annuals...the last photo is of the perennial garden project at around seven this far so good...more as it develops. ____________________________________________________ 7-29-2012 10:56 a.m. ________________________________________________________ the second bed of wheat just yielded 753 seed heads for a total of 1632 from two beds...just some vital information about threshing and winnowing work.

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