Saturday, June 8, 2013

in training

i discovered earlier in the week that a couple of the strawberry plants had put out runners and were working on establishing daughter plants rather than berries ( which is fine with me since it will assure a future bed )...the runner in the top photo is headed for the center of the bed but the plant in the second photo was going off into i cut some v shaped twigs from some yard waste in my back yard ( third photo ) and used them to "train" the runner on the second plant to go towards the center of the bed as well...i didn't press them down into the soil because i'm not ready for them to set roots yet ( they may have other ideas )...rather i just pinned them in a general direction...they need to grow a couple of more inches to space themselves far enough away from the mother plant to allow fair development...the runner in the bottom photo was headed in entirely the wrong direction to be useful so i took my garden scissors and snipped it off to allow the plant to devote a bit more energy in the way it needs to go ( which is a determination wholly subject to human intervention at this point..pretty much what "gardening" is all about )...i buried the snipped off piece back in the bed to return what nutrients it contains back to the bed...a subject we will be delving into more as the season goes on...more as it comes up.

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