Monday, October 21, 2013

down stairs and under the lights

the freeze is on tonight and there may be snow tomorrow ( or so i hear ) so i moved the potted teosinte and the relentless yema de huevos potatoes indoors after work...even if it doesn't freeze the decreasing day length had both the teosinte and the green manures in the basket with the potatoes starting to die back so i wanted to get them under some longer light...i will be hanging another fixture to increase the exposure for the teosinte as soon as i get back tot he hardware store and pick up a power cord to electrify the thing...i gave them another dousing with the oil soap insecticide after i brought them in and will be far more vigilant on the aphid front than i was last time around...i would certainly like to succeed with this batch since i got no ears last season and a multiplicity this one...who knows when the chance will reappear? while i was down there i checked on the potato storage project..the early blue and the ollala potatoes are all solid and unshriveled in their low light, herbally protected boxes on the shelf...only six more months to go before they are replanted...i am curious to see how many ( if any ) generations of yeme de huevos pop up before then...more on this adventure later for those who are interested.

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