Sunday, August 24, 2014

a bit of zea morphology

the top photo is of a maize plant's emerging flower that i took on july tenth...the next two are northern tepehuan teosinte plants beginning to flower in my back yard ( and which have me geeked at the prospect of producing seed ears again this year...the second photo is of a flower on a teosinte plant grown from seed my plants produced last year...the only one to survive and prosper out of a batch of about a dozen that germinated...i'm geeked even if it doesn't produce...more so if it does )...the bottom photo is of an emergent pod corn flower on the south side of my house...the appearance of these will all change and the ones that closely resemble one another now may not end up so well matched...there will be more posts as the pod corn and teosinte mature...i already have multiple photos of maize flowers to act as a comparison with the other two zea varieties...they are all cousins...with all the similarities and differences cousins can evince...i'm up for a look.

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