Saturday, September 13, 2014

sunchokes? of course we have sunchokes

i mentioned yesterday that cynthia and i had harvested some jerusalem artichokes from the community garden so she could try them and while i was wandering the back yard this evening i noticed that some of the plants had begun to seriously die back ( top photo ) so i grabbed the spading fork ( second photo ) and popped that plant up with the avowed intention of having jerusalem artichokes for sunday lunch...the root ball had half a dozen tubers attached when i pulled it out ( third photo ) and a further search of the immediate area turned up another ten tubers as well as three stray red pontiacs that were missed...the potato patch was in the process of being colonized when i dug the spuds...clearly i missed a few...and doubtlessly a further cull of the jerusalem artichokes former home will turn up more tubers there as never get them all...they are numerous and somewhat belligerent when it comes to being harvested...sly hiders with a feel for the earth...worth the effort though...probably more on lunch tomorrow...perhaps a visit to the community garden as well.

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