Saturday, October 24, 2015


not the sort of litter you may be imagining however...leaf litter...i spent a few minutes this morning raking up some fallen leaves in my back yard...not out of adherence to some suburban ritual my neighbors subscribe to ( in all honesty i do practice some of those suburban rituals...but only when my neighbors drop a dime to local code enforcement..the municipality and i don't always see eye to eye...they can be coercive...i cannot...yet ) but rather in order to further fool the ramps in the beds under the locust trees into thinking my yard is i covered the beds in leaf litter and will add more as the autumn progresses...those ramp seeds from the one plant that bloomed have not shattered yet...still only one gone...wondering why the are waiting...or for what...perhaps it needs to be colder...and you didn't think there would be no mention of teosite did you? mor seeds popping out of husks on ears and more silks and ears emerging...they will hold on until the first really hard frost...then i will be bringing ears in for propagation and decoration..garlic mulch fairly soon as well as harvesting mason bee cocoons and stratifying grape seeds...and did i mention eastern gamagrass? purchased some seed...that's a november project too.

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