Wednesday, February 24, 2016

24 hours

just about a day a go the sun was was at least ten degrees warmer...the clover and vetch were coming back to life and turning up towards the sun...ramps were coming up in the beds under the locust trees, the mulch on the garlic bed was plainly visible, and spring, if not present, was sending clear signals that it would be making an appearance had been a dry winter pretty much with a marked snow drought...a day later it is at least ten degrees cooler and the clover, vetch, ramps, and garlic mulch are under around what seems to be about four inches of very wet snow...don't despair however...temperatures are set to rebound into the fifties (fahrenheit ) by the end of the week and winter will be off again and spring on the verge...the climate suffers from volatility...can any parallels be drawn with the price of oil? perhaps not...with its burning is another matter.

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