Saturday, October 21, 2017

a wander around the back yard

it's another warm day any number lately and they are becoming less and less seasonable as we go deeper into the month with still no frost forecast...
the nasturtium ( here with a friendly cricket ) are still blooming away...
and producing seeds...they netted me a handful today which is fine...i will be sharing...
one of the nasturtiums has produced a vine that trails across a bed for about eight feet...
so it shouldn't come as a surprise that their cousins the mashua, which started out as sprouts that looked like this...
look like this five months after they were planted...i am sure there are vines at least as long in there, however they are so bound together by tendrils they are inseparable without significant damage tot he plant...and i am not interested in that so we will simply not really know...
this bucket of spuds was obviously finished...
so i dumped it pout in the bed that will be spring wheat before you know it and discovered that the plant had deposited a number of small, blue fingerling potatoes along the bottom of the bucket...
they will do as "drops" when it is time to plant again...
rummaging around the pile of soil i found some larger ones as well which will do nicely as part of a meal...
Jean's imported new york wild strawberries are well established and producing daughter plants all over...i have already transplanted three from their beds of origin to other quarters to reduce the risk of overpopulation...they are, i am told, very cold hardy plants and they should over winter with minimal care...perhaps some straw mulch just to make me happy...
finally the obligatory teosinte shot ( just one this time ) here some very green seeds peeking through a parted husk...the weather is warm and i am still hopeful of some viability.

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